The good news according to Isaiah. In this series of sermons by the Kirche am Bahnhof, Frankenberg (Eder), the statements of Isaiah are to be discussed from June to July.

In the middle of the last century, goatherds found clay jugs with strange scrolls in a cave at the over 2000 year old settlement of Qumran – which became famous as scrolls of Qumran. They contain almost the entire Isaiah book with its 66 chapters.

Isaiah lived around 700 BC and already described the coming Messiah – Jesus Christ – in very clear lines. The Isaiah book is therefore considered the gospel of the Old Testament.


   Dr. Volker Aßmann


   Andreas Latossek


Andreas Latossek


Dr. Volker Aßmann


Eddy Lanz


Eddy Lanz


Andreas Latossek