This movie is being shown courtesy of Campus for Christ, Giessen. By clicking on the movie you will be redirected to the page of Jesus Film Project.


This movie is being shown courtesy of Campus for Christ, Giessen.

By clicking on the movie you will be redirected to the page of Jesus Film Project.

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The movie Jesus

„Jesus“ is the title of a feature film about the life and suffering of Jesus Christ, created in the context of the interdenominational organization Campus for Christ.

Around the film, the Jesus Project has formed, which distributes the film now in a family version (German: excitement about Jesus) and a radio play version in most languages ​​in the world. The online versions are free.

The film was shot partly on original locations in Israel with locals as extras and for the most part also as main actor.

The film describes the events around Jesus mainly according to the Gospel of Luke, in order to avoid leaps between the Gospels as possible. Dialogues that do not occur in the New Testament are not used.

History and distribution

As early as 1950, Bill Bright, founder and president of Campus for Christ, had made a plan to make a film about the life of Jesus in order to reach as many people around the world as possible – especially illiterate people – with the Christian message. In 1978, there was a financier from Campus for Christ International. The producer was John Heyman, who had already made the Genesis films. In addition to 45 main actors, another 5,000 extras were involved in the filming. The filming locations were the historical sites of Israel. In 1979, the film came in over 2,000 American cinemas. The lender was Warner Brothers. In the US cinemas, the film was a flop, but this did not restrict its translation into over 1400 languages ​​and worldwide distribution. This makes „Jesus“ the most translated film in film history. A short time later, the film was also seen in Germany; In recent times, he is often spread by Verschenkaktionen and use in religious education.

Around 70,000 films were handed over to municipalities for further distribution.

Note: This article was created based on the contribution in the German-language Wikipedia, but differs slightly from the current version available there.

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